Deans Advisory Council (DAC)


UChicagoGRAD is a central resource for academic and professional development of graduate students across the university. It is at the forefront of providing tailored initiatives, ranging from training in writing and public speaking to career exploration treks, internships, employer recruitment fairs, and alumni networking events. 

Chicago Center for Teaching

The Chicago Center for Teaching supports the University’s diverse community of instructors--graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members--in developing their teaching practices with the goal of enhancing student learning across campus. The Center is committed to the idea that effective teaching begins with an instructor’s intentions and expectations for their students and encourage the use of pedagogical practices that are based in scholarly literature on teaching and learning and foster dialogue and reflection on effective teaching through workshops, seminars, individual consultations, and other programs and activities. The Center's aim is to promote teaching as a scholarly practice that is integral to the University’s values.