Thomas Lamarre Areas of Study: Committee on Environment, Geography, and Urbanization Committee on Japanese Studies Department of Cinema and Media Studies Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations Institute on the Formation of Knowledge Office: Classics 306 Email Interests:

Media history and theory; animation and new media; critical race studies; transnational television; animal studies; science and technology studies; Japanese and continental philosophy; ritual theory and practice; early and medieval Japanese culture

Chair of Cinema and Media Studies (Winter Quarter 2024); Director of Graduate Studies; Gordon J Laing Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Cinema and Media Studies, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the College

Professor Lamarre is a scholar of media, cinema and animation, intellectual history and material culture, with projects ranging from the communication networks of 9th century Japan, to silent cinema and the global imaginary, animation technologies, and on television infrastructures and media ecology. 

Michael fisch
Michael Fisch Areas of Study: Committee on Environment, Geography, and Urbanization Committee on Japanese Studies Department of Anthropology Office: 5836 S Greenwood Ave
Haskell M136
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: (773) 702-2128 Email Interests:

Technology/nature/culture; cybernetic ontologies; infrastructure and design; Japan anthropology; biomimicry; experimental ecologies; urban theory.

Associate Professor of Anthropology and of Social Sciences in the College

Professor Fisch's research focuses on the effects of technology, nature, and culture on Japanese society. He is currently developing a project that explores the emergence of what he identifies as “experimental ecologies” that work to contest, recast, and re-conceive disaster infrastructure design in post-3.11 Japan. 

Yuting Dong Areas of Study: Committee on Environment, Geography, and Urbanization Committee on Japanese Studies Department of History Office: Harper East Tower 687 Phone: (773) 834-4863 Email Interests:

Japanese history, colonialism, history of labor and expertise, and environmental history

Assistant Professor of East Asian History and the College

Professor Yuting Dong is a historian of modern Japan and East Asia. She is interested in questions on colonialism, history of labor and expertise, and environmental history. She is also working on a second project that examines the commodification and politicization of air in Japan’s colonial empire.