External Funding
America-Japan Society - Visit & Study Japan Grant Program (VS JAPAN)
The America-Japan Society (AJS) is a long-standing private organization based in Tokyo for the promotion of relations between the U.S. and Japan. The VS JAPAN Grant Program is designed to give air fare and stipend support to American graduate students who are studying Japan or Japan-U.S. relations. It is intended to help students to finish their theses by visiting Japan for up to three months.
Association for Asian Studies Grants and Fellowships
AAS offers a wide variety of grants for scholars and researchers focusing on East Asia.
Blakemore Foundation
The Blakemore Foundation provides grants to graduating seniors, college graduates, graduate students and young/mid-career professionals to fund an academic year of advanced language study in East and Southeast Asia.
Chinese Language - Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES)
Scholarships are offered to non-Chinese-heritage students interested in studying in Taiwan and are available for both summer study and for 3-month, 6-month, 9-month or 12-month academic year programs at an approved, university-affiliated language center in Taiwan.
Chinese Government Scholarship
In order to promote the mutual understanding, cooperation and exchanges in various fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government has set up a series of scholarship programs to sponsor international students, teachers and scholars to study and conduct research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (CSC), entrusted by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, is responsible for the admission of the applicants for Chinese Government Scholarship Programs.
China Times Cultural Foundation PhD Scholarships
The China Times Cultural Foundation (CTCF) is offering scholarships in support of doctoral dissertation-writing and research in Chinese studies. Eligibility is restricted to doctoral candidates with approved proposals in the humanities and social sciences. In memory of CTCF founders, Mr. Chi-Chung Yu and Mrs. Alice Tsai Yu, the top applicants will be awarded two awards of $10,000; the rest will receive $6,000 scholarships.
Critical Language Scholarship Program (CLS)
A program of the U.S. Department of State, students are provided a scholarship to study abroad for eight to ten weeks to learn one of 15 different languages offered, including Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. During the program, students will learn an academic year's worth of the language they will be studying.
Esherick-Ye Family Foundation
The foundation offers small grants of up to $5000 to support projects in modern Chinese economic, social and political history or the archaeology of China.
Fulbright U.S. Students Program
The program aims to introduce young Americans to different East Asian countries while they pursue research projects and language study at local universities. Applications must be coordinated through UChicagoGRAD. Please carefully review deadlines and requirements HERE.
Fulbright-Hayes Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad
This program provides grants to colleges and universities to fund individual doctoral students who conduct research in other countries, in modern foreign languages and area studies for periods of six to 12 months. Applications must be coordinated through UChicagoGRAD. Please carefully review deadlines and requirements HERE.
Institute of International Education (IIE): CUSP (China-U.S. Scholars Program)
The China-U.S. Scholars Program Grants for Conference Participation and Research Travel is a competitive fund to support travel by scholars and graduate students to conferences and research sites. The fund is open to scholars and graduate students in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Conference presentations and research travel should relate to China studies and/or China-U.S. relations. For more information, please visit HERE.
International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF)
This fellowship offers six to 12 months of support for PhD students in the Humanities and Social Sciences doing research on non-U.S. or U.S. indigenous cultures and societies.
Japan Directory: Grants and Aid
List of scholarships available in Japan by category.
Japan Foundation
These programs offers support to outstanding scholars in the field by offering the opportunity to conduct research in the field.
Japanese Government (MEXT) in Research Scholarship Program
This scholarship provides for college graduates to conduct an independent research project at a university in Japan under the supervision of a professor for 18 to 24 months to eventually lead to either a Master’s degree or PhD. Any field of study is eligible for the scholarship, but applicants must find a professor at a Japanese university willing to supervise their research.
Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program at GSAPS, Waseda University
Waseda University Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies International Relations Program was selected for the International Priority Graduate Program (PGP) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The PGP program, which was created by MEXT to support programs which have international appeal to foreign students, provides priority allocation for government financed foreign students.
Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
Supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, JASSO provides opportunities for students to study in Japan.
JF-Nichibunken Fellowship Program (Program for Postdoctoral Researchers)
The International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken) was founded in 1987. Devoted to interdisciplinary and comprehensive research on Japanese culture from an international perspective, it is an inter-university research institute supported by government funds. Japan Foundation and Nichibunken are jointly organizing this program to promote Japanese studies overseas and provide postdoctoral researchers in Japanese studies with the opportunity to conduct research in Japan while belonging to Nichibunken. Fellows will also be expected to gain experience as project facilitators through operation and management work at various meetings or workshops, and to form and expand networks with people involved in international exchange. For more information, please click HERE.
The Korea Foundation
Fellowships available for both research and intensive language study.
Luce Scholars Program
Established in 1974, the Luce Scholars Program is a nationally competitive fellowship that offers early-career leaders immersive, professional experiences in Asia. The program aims to forge stronger relationships across geographic borders by creating opportunities for young Americans to deepen their ties and understanding of the countries, cultures, and people of Asia.
Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources
Fellowships available for studies in the humanities or related social sciences in original sources.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Various grants awarded for projects involving research in Japan. For those specifically applying from Illinois, please visit the Consulate-General of Japan in Chicago wesbite HERE.
Ministry of Education - Taiwan Scholarship Program
The Taiwan Scholarship is offered to non-Chinese-heritage U.S. students who wish to enroll in a degree program in Taiwan. Scholarship applicants must apply directly to the university of their choice. A list of eligible universities, along with complete details on the scholarship and application requirements, can be found on the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office-Education Division website HERE.
Nichibunken Academic Encouragement Award (Program for Doctoral Students)
The International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken) was founded in 1987. Devoted to interdisciplinary and comprehensive research on Japanese culture from an international perspective, it is an inter-university research institute supported by government funds. This award is designed to honor outstanding research in Japanese Studies from an international perspective and foster the next generation of researchers in Japanese Studies. Awardees are granted an opportunity to spend up to 90 days at Nichibunken conducting research with funding that covers their round trip airfare, accommodation, and per diem allowances. For more information, please click HERE.
The National Bureau of Asian Research: China Language Fellowship Program
Fellowships of up to $45,000 are provided to support doctoral students for one year of an intensive Chinese language program abroad.
SSRC Fellowships
The site has various fellowships that may apply to research in East Asia studies.
Visiting Research Scholar Program
The International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken) was founded in 1987. Devoted to interdisciplinary and comprehensive research on Japanese culture from an international perspective, it is an inter-university research institute supported by government funds. To promote comprehensive, international, and interdisciplinary research on Japanese culture, and to foster cooperation among researchers in Japanese studies, the Center regularly appoints a number of scholars from around the world as Visiting Research Scholars. This program is to invite scholars employed by a foreign university or a foreign research institution who hold Ph.D. and conduct research on Japan to Nichibunken. Visiting Research Scholars are free to carry out their individual research but must join in at least on Team Research Project. For more information, please click HERE.