Faculty Members of CEAS
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Yukiko Asai
Labor Economics, Personnel Economics, The effects of family leave and child care policies

Rachel Hyeryeong Bahng
Korean language pedagogy, Second language acquisition, Foreign Language Instruction and Curriculum

Michael Bourdaghs
Modern Japanese literature, culture, and intellectual history; popular music; literary and critical theory

Susan L. Burns
Early modern and modern Japanese history, late Tokugawa intellectual and cultural history, medicine and public health, gender

Kyeong-Hee Choi
Relationship between the culture of publication and the historical experiences of modern Koreans, including the experiences of Japanese colonial rule, national division, the Korean War, the Cold War, and democratization.

Julie Y. Chu
Sociocultural anthropology; globalization and transnational processes; mobility and migration; economy and value; ritual life; material culture; media and technology; state regulatory regimes; China.

Paul Copp
Intellectual, material, and visual cultures of China and eastern Central Asia, ca. 700-1200 (or so); What should a Humanities education be, today?

Yuting Dong
Japanese history, colonialism, history of labor and expertise, and environmental history

Jacob Eyferth
Social and cultural history of twentieth-century China, in particular rural China; history of work, technology, gender, and everyday life.

Michael Fisch
Technology/nature/culture; cybernetic ontologies; infrastructure and design; Japan anthropology; biomimicry; experimental ecologies; urban theory.

Ariel Fox
Ming-Qing literature, especially vernacular fiction and drama; monetary history and the economic imaginary; late imperial practices of movement and dance

Chelsea Foxwell
Japanese art history (19th and 20th centuries) and artistic interactions in East Asia