Congratulations to UChicago Student Awardees of 2022 Midwest University Chinese Speech Contest

January 13, 2024

Published on May 18, 2022

University of Chicago students in the Chinese Language Program of the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations (EALC) had a marvelous showing in the 2022 Midwest College Student Chinese Speech Contest that took place via Zoom on Saturday, May 14, 2022. Each contestant presented a 3 to 5 minute prepared speech on any topic (80 points) to the judges. When all contestants completed their speech presentations, each contestant presented a Chinese cultural talent (20 points) such as a Chinese song, dance, painting, calligraphy, papercut, puppet show, martial arts, or musical instrument. The speech was live, with the talent component being live or pre-recorded. The Judging Committee was composed of high school Chinese language teachers and artists. All contestants and their coaches received gifts and prizes.

EALC Chinese Language Program Director, Jun Yang, was proud to point out that UChicago students were not only well-represented at the event, they were the strongest force to compete against. UChicago students won the gold medal in each category they entered. In addition, the overall first-place winner, who will represent the US Midwest and compete in an upcoming global Chinese speech contest, went to UChicago student, Hugh Shepard, a student of Yi-Lu Kuo, EALC Associate Instructional Professor in Chinese Language.

Congratulations to the following University of Chicago students:

1st Year Chinese non-heritage(一年级非华组):

  • Gold(金奖):Asher Hansen 阿舍
  • Silver(银奖):Doreen Xiao 肖毅立、Briana Tran 陈慧敏、Elisabella Forest 林李婕、Ethan Dintzner 杜恩途
  • Bronze(铜奖):Cole Washburn 吴戈、Hugo Smith 许弘柯、Skylar Liu 刘心怡

2nd Year Chinese non-heritage(二年级非华组):

  • Gold(金奖):Huyen Anh Giang 江玄英
  • Bronze(铜奖):Robert Ukrainsky 吴瑞博、Samuel Goidel 东山明

3rd Year Chinese non-heritage(三年级非华组):

  • Silver(银奖):Tate Robinson 罗乐成

4th and 5th Year Chinese non-heritage(四五年级非华组):

  • Gold(金奖):Hugh Shepard 谢华

This program was sponsored by the Education Department of the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Chicago and Phoenix Publishing Company.