The Bibliography of East Asian Periodicals (Colonial Korea 1900 - 1945) Goes Live
Published on July 20, 2022
Initially motivated by the Korean Studies Librarian's way of introducing students to Korean colonia-era primary materials during classroom visits, this project is a comprehensive bibliography that contains 913 periodicals published during colonial Korea, covering subjects in every field including politics, economy, industry, society, literature, education, religion, women, children, medicine, science, friendship societies, etc. Through data compilation, organization, and research, the bibliography outlines each journals' identifying information, including region of origins, bibliographic details of publication, region of distribution and current accessibility status. Additionally, the bibliography provides a brief description for each publication.
During classroom visits, a common set of challenges arose from students’ unfamiliarity with reading both cataloging information and primary language sources in Korean, Japanese and Chinese. In order to address these challenges and support expanded research in the UChicago community, it was clear that a well-organized bibliographical information with annotation and interpretation in English would prove invaluable.
The Bibliography of East Asian Periodicals is the culmination of a two-year long collaborative project supported by the University of Chicago Provost’s Global Faculty Award for FY 22 and the University of Chicago Library’s Hanna Holborn Gray Student Fellowship for Winter and Spring 2022. This project was a join effort among East Asian subject librarians, Korean Studies scholars, Korea Foundation Interns and a research assistant. Click here to see those involved with this project.
To read more about the project, click here.
Written by Jee-Young Park