Ayako Yoshimura Areas of Study: Committee on Japanese Studies Office: 1100 E 57th St
Joseph Regenstein Library, Room 520B
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: (773) 702-8434 Email Interests:

Ethnography, autoethnography, personal experience narratives, vernacular beliefs, the supernatural, material culture (foodways, arts and crafts, ceramics [Japan-style patterns], clothing [the kimono], design and fashion), and public folklore (cultural exchange, community outreach).

Japanese Studies Librarian

Ayako Yoshimura joined the University of Chicago Library in June of 2015 after completing a Ph.D. in folklore at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where she also served for five years as Japanese studies bibliographer. While remaining active internationally as a folklorist, Ayako assists students, faculty, and independent scholars from all disciplines in their Japanese-studies research across campus and beyond.