Faculty Members of CEAS
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Miku Fukasaku
Task-based Language Teaching; Motivation in second language learning; Multiliteracies
Cassandra Guan
Histories of animation, materialism as methodology, media infrastructures, biotechnology, technologies of advertising, (state-) sponsored films, geopolitics and media, Sinophone cinema and film theory, political modernism, Marxism and psychoanalysis
Donald Harper
Early Chinese civilization, focusing on philosophy, religion, and history of science.
Paola Iovene
Twentieth and twenty-first century Chinese literature and film; concepts of realism, modernism, and avant-garde; translation; Chinese opera film; documentary; literary history; media studies.
Yoko Katagiri
Japanese Language
Tomoko Kern
Psychology of Second Language Acquisition (identity development, willingness to communicate, etc.), technology in language learning, study abroad
Jieun Kim
Bitsol Kim
Second Language Acquisition; Third Language Acquisition; Korean Language Pedagogy
Yi-Lu Kuo
Reading strategies, second language acquisition, Chinese language pedagogy, language assessment, computer-assisted language learning
Thomas Lamarre
Media history and theory; animation and new media; critical race studies; transnational television; animal studies; science and technology studies; Japanese and continental philosophy; ritual theory and practice; early and medieval Japanese culture
Meng Li
Chinese Language
Yung-ti Li
The archeology of Bronze Age China, including topics in craft specialization and production, especially section-mold casting technology, and the rise of social complexity, inter-regional interaction, and state formation in ancient China.